Activations are modalities that instigate rapid change. They course correct a person’s thought patterns and optimizes how their energy flows. This increases the likelihood of attracting the things they want, and ultimately attaining joy in life. These are ancient tools from an ancient time who’s tried and true methods still hold water today.
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This was created by King Salomon with the intention of changing our physical nature to tune into spirit unlike anything you’ve experienced. It ignites the blueprint inside our DNA and opens us up to unique possibilities in life. Your decisions will never be the same after receiving this healing.
Practical results may show up in ones life as significant stress reduction, elimination of depression, clarity, healing, breaking negative thought patterns, reduction of negative actions, and more

Full Spirit
Second part to Life Activation. This modality rewires our soul and allows for it to better tune into the Universe. What this may feel like is guidance from our inner space are clearer. Our inner gut feelings will become more powerful, therefore directly influencing the decisions we make in our lives. The results and benefits of having the ability to “tune in” will change the course of your life and destiny forever. As your ability to perceive the world around you changes so will the direction you take yourself. Whichever direction you may take will be closer in line with who you are meant to be.

Core and Will
Infusion Activation
This is an activation that opens up doorways in within your Auric structure and allows the powers of the Universe to flow into your core. Sacred geometric symbols will be used to activate your energy allowing you to experience the higher will of spirit. Your senses will be heightened in perceiving spirit, you will deepen your connection to God, and you will expand your mind into realms previously untapped.

Fire Soul
Using Sacred Geometric symbols, inner gates within the soul are awakened. The energy that flows through these gates are the first steps towards a Kundalini awakening. This allows you to open yourself up to your divine nature and increases your awareness of the unseen. This activation specifically awakens the Fire Soul, the energy of Spirit within the body.
Training classes are for those who seek a better understanding of themselves and the Universe around them. There are specific tools in each class that will help an individual shift their perspective in life and change the direction they are going. Harnessing the powers of the Universe and the four elements are fundamental teachings that have propelled great men and women into success.

Empower Thyself is a 2 day intensive workshop where an individual is immersed with high vibrational energies. It significantly progresses understanding of spirit and the forces of the universe. More importantly it grants practical tools that can be used to enhance a person’s energy, protection from outside influence, and dramatically increase connection to the Divine. Using these teachings and tools people are able to effectively wield forces who’s whole mission in life is to help and love you. This experience is unlike any other, and the benefits are unlimited.
Empower Thyself Class is also an initiation into the Brotherhood and Sisterhood of Light. This initiation was brought to us by King Salomon himself 3000 years ago and has served hundreds of thousands of people since. It is a huge reason why those who participate have access to higher spiritual powers, which in turn dramatically impacts life. Find out what it’s like to direct and command forces that will enhance every aspect of yourself.
• Increases your capacity to hold and wield light by 10!
• Communicate with angels and your higher self!
• Study material the Masters have indulged on for 3000 years!
• Gain tools to bring yourself peace and back into balance.
Upon completion of this 2 day workshop, you will have a Guide assigned to you who will be there to coach you for life.

Sacred Geometry 1
In this class you will be taught about the energy of the first geometries ever created, and how you can wield them, practically, every day. This begins with knowledge and understanding of the 3 Keys of Creation. Harnessing this energy, you’ll have the ability to create an energetically sacred space anywhere you go for the rest of your life. This purifying energy from the power of these keys will help you recreate your life.

Astral Travel
This is a popular class for all who wish to learn about it. Astral Travel teaches how to instantly be somewhere with out ever leaving the comforts of your home. Experience what it’s like to shift your self into another space, but to also be present in the moment. Feel what it’s like to travel to other dimensions and learn from the Masters. Read from your own book of Life, as we teach you how to enter the Akashic Zone. Give yourself the adventure that few have ever had.

Awaken Thyself
Rituals are handed down in this class that’ll instigate great change in your life. This is an introductory class for those who would like to learn more about ritual work, and how it's powerful way to call in spirit. If you’ve never wielded invisible forces before, and would like to know what it’s like to have divine protection, this is the class for you.

Max Meditation System TM
The Max Meditation is a system combining several effective meditation techniques mixed in with some NLP to form an experience worth having. The system relaxes the body, empties the mind, and then infuses a theme that will play out in your life the moment you walk out the door. This theme or word of power will ripple in your life for 3-5 days after a meditation. Come for an experience and ride the wave!

Sanctuary Meditation
Inside the deepest sea, along side the steepest cliffs, right next to the greenest pastures inside each of us resides our hidden sanctuary. This is a real place we can instinctively go to when needed. Allow us to show you how to enter this place on command. Within these depths you will find your truest self. In here one doesn’t need to wear the masks of the world, you can be our authentic self, and discover what you are really capable of. Explore the inner worlds of your being. Give yourself an adventure you’ll never forget, and take with you this technique, so you’ll always be able to go there as many times as you wish.

Spiritual Intuitions
We live our lives perceiving the world around us through the 5 physical senses, but what if we told you that you have a 6th sense you can tap into? Would that not completely change how you live? Could this potentially change the direction of your life? Develop the ability to perceive things few are able. With a little training, you too will feel, hear, and see spirit. Allow us to teach you 3 effective techniques and exercises that'll train and strengthen the 6th sense. Discover natural untapped abilities to perceive and how they may benefit you.
Healings are powerful catalysts of change. They help us to shift ourselves almost instantly. They can rid us of the burdens we carry within our souls, soothe our pain, and completely change what we think of ourselves. What is offered to you here has been offered for thousands of years to thousands of people who, like you, want something better. In order to attract the life we want, it starts by looking at how we live, how we think, and what we believe. By healing our inner traumas, the unresolved issues, or even limiting beliefs, we free ourselves of obstacles placed in our way. With each issue healed, our lives could take off like a rocket ship. Blasting off into space because not even the sky will be the limit.

Angel Code Healing
The angels themselves are called into action for this healing. They will surround you and engulf you with endless love, power, and healing. It will be abundantly clear how much they love and care for you. This healing calls in the 72 names of GOD and raises your vibrational frequency to 512mhz the same frequency as the angels. Messages from them will become clearer. New opportunities will open up, as they guide you every step of the way.

Goethian Healing
Angels of extreme power are called into this specific healing. Any negativity in your life or any strange thoughts that pop into your mind will be removed instantly. These angels will demolish any negative pattern you have, and help reconstruct you from the inside out. For those seeking a way to rid them selves of negative energy this is the healing for you. Originally a healing from the Templar Knights, allow it to help you as well.

Etheric Reconstruction
Our bodies are comprised of many different energy fields, and one of these fields is the etheric. Within this structure of the human being is the blueprint of who we are. It’s holy in nature and can dictate our very destiny. As we live our lives and are hit left, right, and center with problems, it could impact our blueprint. It can change the core of our being. Etheric reconstruction is a spiritual operation that'll reconstruct a person’s blueprint back to its original state. This allows issues both physical and mental to return back to normal, and helps us to live our lives free of hindrances.

Rite of RA
This is a healing that comes from the Mystery School of Egypt and calls on the divine forces of RA. Within this pantheon RA is the same force described as God in any other path. With this in mind, you’ll have the full support of the Sun God behind you granting unbelievable protection and blessing. Have no worries walking into the world after you receive one of these healings. You will feel untouched by the everyday problems happening around you, while also giving you an increased sense of peace and tranquility. Allow this power to help you remember what normal feels like again, and enjoy the benefits of what the Sun God can bring.

Crystal Rites
Mystery Schools tap into ancient healings that are long forgotten by time, and this healing in particular taps into a magick from long ago. Harnessing the capability of crystals in addition to reciting a lost language not spoken by the masses for several thousand years, experience a different kind of healing that can help you move past emotional wounds. This is a powerful healing that can be felt whether one believes in this work or not. Receive the benefits of healing in your life today.

Negative Energy Removal
We live in a world full of energy and sometimes the negative side of it can impacts us like a dark cloud. These energies can stem from many places. They can come from the people we surround ourselves with, the places we frequent, or even ourselves. This removes negatively charged thoughts, increases clarity, and gives instant relief. Highly recommended healing to try.

Emotional Cord Cutting
Stong bonds formed by relationships can be a source of our strength, but what happens when those relationships fall away? Just because the relationship no longer exists does not mean that emotional attachments are no longer there. These attachments can be visualized as cords attached from one person to another, and it's through these cords we share energy. Unfortunately they can also rob us of strength we could use to recreate our reality, and so releasing these cords can be important. This is especially important if you are releasing yourself from toxic or bitter relationships. Free yourself from shackles and feel instant relief after one of these healings.

Purification by Light
In this healing, divine forces are called upon bearing no form other than energy. This energy will bask over you helping to restore peace and balance in your life.