3-4 hour program
Awaken your divinity. Awaken your highest self. Awaken the possibilities of a new purpose. As the seeker never stops seeking, the divinity in you never stops growing. Learn how to tap into unseen forces and grant yourself access to endless wisdom. Give your inner divintiy nurishment as you experience a class that’ll allow you to tap deeper into your faith.
The content of this class explores the topic of spiritual progression and what that may look like for most. Discussion on the benefits of an initiatory path versus traditional self study, understanding of who and what the Higherself is, and how bringing our spiritual world into balance with our phsyical one will be covered. Rituals from an old lineage dating back thousands of years, will be handed down to you to enhance your current spiritual path. These specific rituals are performed by tens of thousands around the world, and have helped those who have used them to gain clarity and purpose.
Rituals that will be handed down in class:
A) Circle of Light ritual
B) The Calling upon ritual
Meeting the Higherself
Finally you will be introduced to your higherself. We will take you through a very specific meditation formated by Initiates in order to give you an authentic meeting. At the conclusion of this class you will meet the highest aspect of yourself, and will have a moment to ask them any question you like. Enjoy this class and share your experience with friends!
Class price: $50